Saturday, January 25, 2020

Legend of Corn :: Free Essays

Chippewa is a small Native American group live up north. Their whole life of living is base on raising corn, hunting, fishing and tobacco is self entertainment. One day, they found a baby near the shore next to the canoe; they don’t know where the baby comes from but the kindness heart run in their blood, they decide to raise the baby. They also believe, in order to raise to a fine young man, everyone in the village must look after him, teach him how to be one good man. They gave the baby to grandma, and also his mother, as the primarily be on his side. Zhomin, the new baby, they teach him how to swim, how to hunt animal, how to be a fisherman, paddle the canoe, accept your mistake and learn from it, listen to the elder. The boy did everything as his elder tell him too. At night he always begs his mother tell story, he wants to know everything. As day gone by, the boy grow to be a man, his mother now is too old, she dying. His mother belief in supernatural and she is a sacred person, not just an ordinary mother, she knows what will happen in the future, like all other elders in the village they know something that most people don’t. Before she dies she told Zhomin, an outsider will come to this village and look for you, you will do what he wants you to do, never reject. An outsider, Mandabin comes to the village to look for hero in the village to challenge. Zhomin must meets his destiny, must accept Mandabin challenge, that’s his mother moral code. They fight night by nights, at last, Mandabin has come to his last breath, he told Zhomin bury him next to his mother as his final request. Zhomin buried Mandabin next to his mother and accept Mandabin as his friend, he light the fires up four days and nights to pray his friend.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Financial problem in a country or organization of your choice Essay

Discuss the causes of a financial problem in a country or organization of your choice and suggest some solutions. Specify the problem and the City/Country and relate to a particular study. Zimbabwe is an agricultural based economy previously known as the ‘bread-basket’ of Southern Africa. In the past decade, the country experienced a drastic economic disintegration due to wide range of factors including: unconstitutional land redistribution, health, decline in foreign investment and hyperinflation. The Zimbabwean economy is strongly intertwined with politics; therefore the political instability subsequently offset the economy. In 2000, the government embarked on ‘the land reform programme’ which removed white commercial farmers from arable lands so that it could be redistributed among black farmers. The experienced farmers were replaced by mostly black subsistence ones, with no farming knowledge, equipment and capital and therefore could not produce at a com mercial scale. There was no agricultural export, meaning there was a loss of foreign currency being injected into the economy on a regular basis. This marked the beginning of economic downfall. Richardson (2004:307). The failure of the agricultural sector which is the backbone of the economy led to the economic crisis. This meant that the government could not generate enough revenue to sustain its infrastructures such as the health sector. Health conditions are directly related to the poor economy. Sick workers were not able to work as much or as productively as healthy ones. Labour markets were less efficient and the market was not able to produce as much. Consequently, the economy produced far less per-worker than a similar healthy economy. This was evident in Zimbabwe by the low participation rate that at just over 35 %, as opposed to 51.08 % in the U.S. or 51.97 % in Japan. Richardson (2004:289). Another contributing factor was that foreign investors also fled, due to insecurities and the government policies dictating that 51% ownership of their businesses should be locally owned. Foreign direct investment fell to zero by 2001, and the  World Bank’s risk premium on investment in Zimbabwe shot up from 4 % to 20 % that year as well. Hill (2003: 109). Furthermore, the Zimbabwean economy was brought down by the illegal sanctions (an order that is given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with it. Merriam-Webster dictionary 2012:198) imposed by the American and European superpowers. This meant that no trade was to be done with Zimbabwe. There was a sudden death of foreign currency and investment influx to the country. The U.S. and Britain have partially withheld financial support for Zimbabwe and there would be no access to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) because they could not pay their debt and the prevailing hyperinflationary conditions. Hill (2003: 102). The causes of Zimbabwe’s financial problem can be mitigated by first achieving a ‘political breakthrough’ that will depoliticize the economy. Then, land should be re-redistributed among experienced commercial farmers and train the less experienced ones to ensure a more sustainable output. There must also be a liberalisation of foreign investment regulations to attract the foreign investors. In conclusion, these suggested solutions will help to rebuild the economy and restore Zimbabwe as the bread basket of Southern Africa. References: Richardson, C,J. 2004. The Collapse of Zimbabwe in the Wake of the 2000–2003 Land Reforms. New York: Edwin Mellen Hill, G. 2003. The Battle for Zimbabwe. Cape Town: Zebra

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Cyberbullying Is A Major Issue - 1205 Words

It can happen to anyone, on your phone, through social media, and once it starts it’s hard to take control and stop it. Cyberbullying has become a major issue. Cyber bullying can be very damaging. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Also, once things are circulated on the Internet, they may never disappear, resurfacing at later times to renew the pain of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can take many forms such as sending mean messages or threats to a person’s email account or cell phone, spreading rumors online or through texts, posting hurtful or threatening messages on social networking sites or web pages, stealing a person’s account information to break into their account and send damaging messages, pretending to be†¦show more content†¦If cyberbullying leads to suicide, how can the criminal not be charged with murder? â€Å"The use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature†, is the definition of cyberbullying according to the oxford dictionary. Cyberbullying can include such acts as making threats, sending provocative insults or racial or ethnic slurs, attempting to infect the victim s computer with a virus and flooding an e-mail inbox with messages. The fact that a bully can hide behind a user name, disguising his or her true identity makes it difficult to trace the source and encourages bullies to behave more aggressively than they might in a situation where they were identified. Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are where the most common occurrences of cyberbullying happen. In a case of cyberbullying 12 year-old Rebecca Ann Sedwick jumped to her death after enduring months of online harassment by more than fifteen classmates. Only two girls out of the classmates have been arrested and charge d with aggravated stalking and their involvement in the bullying. One of the girls accused stated that she wasn’t very worried about the charges. Leading many to question the further criminalization of cyberbullying. â€Å"Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power